
The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119 and RFC8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

This document is licensed under CC-BY-ND-4.0 (via SPDX).

The style of this documentation is adapted from OpenAPI 3.0.2 specification.

Fields that differ from the generic API, e.g. with stricter cardinalities, are highlighted in italics.

Status of this Document

The current version of this document is 1.3.0.

The version number will be applied according to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.



Cardinality Description REQUIRED
1 exactly one yes
+ one or more yes
? zero or one no
* zero or more no

Data Types

Type Description
[…] array
int integer
string a sequence of characters, MAY be empty
boolean true or false
URL a valid URL pointing to a resource
MIME type a valid MIME type according to IANA. See MDN
semver a string matching the pattern ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$, representing a semantic version number
iso639-3 alpha-3 language code according to ISO 639-3
SPDX a valid SPDX identifier (see or – if not applicable, e.g. for copyrighted resources – restricted

URI Syntax

The URI Syntax is used according to the one described at IIIF.

Delivery Service

The TextAPI delivery service is the description of endpoints. It is REQUIRED to use the https protocol.


Returns a Collection Object.

collection MUST be either syriac or arabic-karshuni.

Sample Call{collection}/collection.json


Returns a Manifest Object.

Sample Call{collection}/{manifest}/manifest.json


Returns an Item Object.

Sample Call{collection}/{manifest}/{item}/latest/item.json


All fields that are not explicitly REQUIRED or described with MUST or SHALL are considered OPTIONAL. It is RECOMMENDED, however, to provide as much information as possible.

Collection Object

A collection contains a curated list of texts. It is served at the corresponding endpoint.

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
@context 1 URL the JSON-LD context of this object. MUST be
textapi 1 semver the TextAPI version covered by the implementation
x-app-version 1 semver the current version of the Ahiqar back end application
id 1 URL URL pointing to this collection
title 1 [Title Object] the title of the collection. the main title MUST be the first one in the array
collector 1 [Actor Object] a personal entity responsible for the collection (collector)
description 1 string description of the collection
sequence 1 [Sequence Object] a set of manifests included in this collection
annotationCollection 1 URL URL pointing to an Annotation Collection for the complete collection

Sequence Object

Represents a sequence of collections, manifests or items. Within a manifest it SHOULD contain items exclusively.

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
@context 1 URL the JSON-LD context of this object. MUST be
id 1 URL URL to find a Manifest Object, Collection Object or Item Object
type 1 string one of collection, manifest, item
label 1 string human-readable name or title. SHOULD correspond to the collection’s/manifest’s/item’s label or title property

Manifest Object

This is the main object in the schema to represent a single text, its derivatives (e.g. HTML) and associated images. It is REQUIRED to be served at the corresponding endpoint.

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
@context 1 URL the JSON-LD context of this object. MUST be
textapi 1 semver version number satisfied by the implementation
x-app-version 1 semver the current version of the Ahiqar back end application
id 1 URL URL pointing to this manifest
label 1 string human-readable name or title
sequence 1 [Sequence Object] a sequence of items
metadata 1 [Metadata Object] contains the project specific info about editors, creation date/place and current location of a manuscript/book
support 1 [Support Object] additional files that help with the display of serializations
license 1 [License Object] license under which the resource MUST be used
annotationCollection 1 URL URL pointing to an Annotation Collection for the complete manifest

Actor Object

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
@context 1 URL the JSON-LD context of this object. MUST be
role 1 [string] the role of a personal entity in relation to the parent object, MUST be collector in case of collections
name 1 string the principal name of the person
idref ? [Idref Object] authority files related to the person

Metadata Object

A set of metadata describing the source or its context. Mainly used for key-value pairs.

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
key 1 string label
value 1 string property

Image Object

An image representing the source or its provider. The URL points to TextGrid’s IIIF Image API service which also allows for manipulations such as resizing. The URL can have one of the following forms:

  •{image-uri} for a complete page
  •{image-uri}/{x-offset},{y-offset},{width},{height} for an image section described by {x-offset}, {y-offset}, {width}, and {height} as a sequence of percentages
Field Name Cardinality Type Description
@context 1 URL the JSON-LD context of this object. MUST be
id 1 URL URL pointing to the image
license 1 License Object the license for the image that MUST be used

License Object

The license or any other appropriate rights statement the resources is served under. It is REQUIRED to use one of SPDX.

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
id 1 SPDX an SPDX identifier
notes ? string further notes concerning the license. can be used e.g. for the attribution statement of CC BY. restricted License Objects set the notes property and adhere to the format of copyright notices suggested by the REUSE Specification

Support Object

Any material supporting the view is described and referenced in this object. This encompasses fonts and CSS, but also other material to support the rendering MAY be added on request.

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
@context 1 URL the JSON-LD context of this object. MUST be
type 1 string MUST be either font or css
mime 1 MIME type the MIME type for the resource
url 1 URL URL pointing to the resource

Item Object

It is REQUIRED to be served at the corresponding endpoint.

The type MUST be page.

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
@context 1 URL the JSON-LD context of this object. MUST be
textapi 1 semver version number satisfied by the implementation
x-app-version 1 semver the current version of the Ahiqar back end application
id 1 URL URL pointing to this item
title 1 [Title Object] the title of the item
type 1 string page
n 1 string page number as given in tei:pb/@n
lang 1 [iso639-3] language codes describing the resource
langAlt ? [string] alternative language name or code (when there is no iso639-3 code, e.g. karshuni)
x-langString 1 string a string listing all languages appearing in the document with their full English name (e.g. “Arabic, Karshuni”)
content 1 [Content Object] different serializations of the item, e.g. HTML, plain text, XML, …
image ? Image Object corresponding image as given in tei:pb/@facs
annotationCollection 1 URL URL pointing to an Annotation Collection for this item

Content Object

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
@context 1 URL the JSON-LD context of this object. MUST be
url 1 URL URL pointing to the content
type 1 MIME type a MIME type. If several Content Objects with the same MIME type are provided, these SHOULD be distinguished with a MIME type parameter where the key is type and the value is one of text/html;type=transcription, text/html;type=transliteration and text/html;type=translation.

Title Object

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
@context 1 URL the JSON-LD context of this object. MUST be
title 1 string a single title
type 1 string one of main, sub. if several titles are provided, at least one of them MUST have the type main

Idref Object

Field Name Cardinality Type Description
@context 1 URL the JSON-LD context of this object. MUST be
base ? URL the base URL to the authority file
type 1 string short title of the referenced authority
id 1 string the main ID referenced

Revision History / Changelog

Version Date Description
1.0.0 2020-07-14 initial version
1.1.0 2020-08-25 add more metadata for manifests/editions (x-editor, x-date, x-origin, x-location)
1.1.1 2021-01-18 update examples concerning Title Object
1.2.0 2021-02-04 move extensions to Metadata Object
2.0.0 2021-02-18 add Content Object for providing several serializations
2.0.1 2021-03-09 add missing docs for Support Object


Class Diagram

UML class diagram

// Ahiqar TextAPI
// ------------------

// classes
[Collection|entrypoint|-@context 1; -textapi 1; -x-app-version 1; - id 1; -title 1; -collector 1; -description 1; -sequence 1; -annotationCollection 1 {bg:yellow}]

[Manifest|entrypoint| -@context 1; -textapi 1; -x-app-version 1; -id 1; -label 1; -sequence 1; -metadata 1; -support 1; -license 1; -annotationCollection 1 {bg:yellow}]

[Item| -@context 1; -textapi 1; -x-app-version 1; -id 1; -title 1; -type 1; -n 1; -lang 1; -langAlt ?; -x-langString 1; -content 1; -image ?; -annotationCollection 1]

// objects
[Sequence| -@context 1; -id 1; -type 1; -label 1;]

[Actor| -@context 1; -role 1; -name 1; -idref ?]

[Image| -@context 1; -id 1; -license 1]

[License| -id 1; -notes ?]

[Title| -@context 1; -base ?; -title 1; -type 1]

[Idref| -@context 1; -base ?; -type 1; -id 1]

[Content| -@context 1; -url 1; -type 1]

[Support| -@context 1; -type 1; -mime 1; -url 1]

// imports





Example Objects